31 October 2010

Salisbury & Avebury (30/10/10)

Tanya and I headed over to Salisbury for the day. IFSA Butler's planned a trip to Stonehenge for us, so we decided to go see Avebury Henge instead. It's larger and older than Stonehenge but far less famous. And, unlike Stonehenge, it has a pub in the middle of the circle.
First rainbow of the day photographed from the train.

It was a full one, too.

Walking along the river in Salisbury.

Salisbury Cathedral

The Medieval Clock


Avebury Henge, about an hour and 20 minute bus ride from Salisbury

crazy tree roots

me in Avebury

size comparison

Second rainbow of the day! a full double one (the second is fainter, above the first)

after the second had faded

The Red Lion--the pub in the middle of Avebury Henge where we got dinner (a lovely veggie burger with chips (ie. fries)).

Regents Park (28/10/10)

I live about 15 minutes from Regents Park.

This duck keep diving into the water for food. It was cute.

Follow the leader.

Einsford Circular (24/10/10)

I joined the UCLU Hiking and Walking Club, and the first hike I went on was around Einsford (about a 40 minute train ride outside central London). The hike ended up being about 15 miles.

English countryside

Corn field!



It rained very briefly, and then there was a rainbow.
