Or, in English: Cologne, Germany. Margaret and I ventured to continental Europe for the first time this year. We looked at cheap flights available through easyjet and decided on Germany. Margaret was relying on my not-so-great German skills, but we got by all right.
I loved this sign. It says: "Walking/Going on the ice is forbidden! MORTAL DANGER" |
the Rhine (Rhein auf Deutsch) |
Schokoladenmuseum--the Chocolate Museum |
Rhein |
Hohestraße - a shopping street. Unfortunately, we discovered that NOTHING is open on Sundays... |
Dunkin! They didn't have iced coffee....we were bummed. |
the huge Cologne Cathedral (Kölner Dom auf Deutsch) |
ich mit dem Kölnen Dom |
We climbed up one of the towers of the cathedral--500 steps up a spiral staircase!! |
"We were here on 30.6.2005" |
Haha. "Kaputt" is the actual German word for "broken." (This is was near the top of the tower.) |
From the top of the tower. The Rhine. |
Graffiti on the cathedral. |
The staircase up to the top. |
In front of the cathedral were a lot of street performers, including this guy dressed up as a horse who upset this poor little dog. |
This guy was our favorite. He barked at people, pretended to bathe himself, wagged his tag when people talked to him, and generally made everyone laugh. |
Inside the cathedral. |
One of the stained glass windows had an amazing effect on the walls inside the cathedral. |
the moderny stained-glass window |
Creeping on a German couple. |
On one of the bridges over the Rhine are loads of padlocks. Couples (either lovers or really good friends) put a lock on the bridge and then throw the key into the Rhine. It was really beautiful to see. We saw two couples actually adding their padlock to the bridge. |
May you stay forever young... |
A sculpture sticking out of the middle of the bridge. |
On the opposite side of the river is a viewing tower. We went up and got great views over Cologne. |
Sunset. |
This was our favorite lock. It says: Wherever you go, I want to go too; where you stay, there I will also stay! (or something to that effect) |
My sunshine and my heart. |
"In eternal Love" |
We walked back on the other side of the bridge, where there were considerably more locks. |
Margaret interpreted this as "Some people's love is bigger than others." I interpreted it as "Some people need a bigger lock to hold their love together." Does that make me a cynic? |
A guy busking...with a grand piano. |
Kölner Dom at night. |
Hauptbahnhof--the central train station |
the cathedral |
Museum Ludwig - a great art museum with a lot of German expressionism/Picasso/etc. |
a dog wearing sunglasses |